About Kingdom Core
God has a master strategy for restoring order and peace to this world. This vision was stated at the announcement of Christ’s birth, “Glory to God in the highest. Peace, and on earth, good will to men."
But there are certain status quo beliefs (and the conclusions they lead to) that many of us have accepted without feeling a need to question or examine. Some of this is simply misinformation designed to hinder our work. But when our freedoms and our nation are on the brink, we tend to ask questions and seek answers. Getting a firm grasp on God master strategy erases confusion, clarifies our identity and purpose, and sets on the path to our destiny.
Jesus told us that we should, “Seek first the Kingdom of God …” (Matt 6:33). Preaching and preparing the way for the Kingdom of God was Jesus’ purpose and it must be ours as well. The study material on this website is designed to shape (or reshape) our thinking regarding the Kingdom message and equip us to be effective in Kingdom purpose.
For the Kingdom,
Brad Sherman